Editors: Karl L. Mettinger, Pranela Rameshwar, Vinod Kumar
Mettiger KLPublished May 2018 by Nature Springer
Fibromuscular dysplasia and the brain. II. Current concept of the disease. Karl L. Mettinger
Published1 Jan 1982, Stroke. 1982;13:53–58 https://doi.org/10.1161/01.STR.13.1.53
5, 825 Downloads 170 citations
Fibromuscular dysplasia and the brain. I. Observations on angiographic, clinical and genetic characteristics.
Karl L Mettinger & Kaj Ericson
STROKE, January 1982
Vol 13, Issue 11 Jan 1982 https://doi.org/10.1161/01.STR.13.1.
3,967 Downloads, 190 citations
Mettinger KL: Familjar forekomst av nevrologiska sjukdomar vid fibromuskular dysplasi.
Proceedings from the annual meeting of the Swedish Doctors' Society, Hygiea 88: 394, 1979 20. …
Cited by 313
Mettinger KL, Soderstrom CE, Allander E Epidemiology of acute cerebrovascular disease before the age of 55 in the Stockholm County 1973-77: I. Incidence and mortality rates. Stroke. 1984;15:795–801800 802 Downloads, cited by 28
Rossner S, Mettinger KL, Soderstrom CE et al Normal serum-cholesterol but low HDL-cholesterol concentration in young patients with ischaemic cerebrovascular disease The Lancet, 311(8064), pp.577-579.
Cited by 151
Kaufman, B, Whisnant,JK, Mettinger KLet al The protective role of the immunomodulator AS101 against chemotherapy‐induced alopecia studies on human and animal models I ht. J. Cancer: 65,97-103 (1996)
Cited by 154
Fibromuscular dysplasia and the brain. II. Current concept of the disease. Karl L. Mettinger
Published1 Jan 1982, Stroke. 1982;13:53–58 https://doi.org/10.1161/01.STR.13.1.53
5, 825 Downloads 170 citations
Fibromuscular dysplasia and the brain. I. Observations on angiographic, clinical and genetic characteristics.
Karl L Mettinger & Kaj Ericson
STROKE, January 1982
Vol 13, Issue 11 Jan 1982 https://doi.org/10.1161/01.STR.13.1.
3,967 Downloads, 190 citations
Mettinger KL: Familjar forekomst av nevrologiska sjukdomar vid fibromuskular dysplasi.
Proceedings from the annual meeting of the Swedish Doctors' Society, Hygiea 88: 394, 1979 20. …
Cited by 313
Mettinger KL, Soderstrom CE, Allander E Epidemiology of acute cerebrovascular disease before the age of 55 in the Stockholm County 1973-77: I. Incidence and mortality rates. Stroke. 1984;15:795–801800 802 Downloads, cited by 28
Rossner S, Mettinger KL, Soderstrom CE et al Normal serum-cholesterol but low HDL-cholesterol concentration in young patients with ischaemic cerebrovascular disease The Lancet, 311(8064), pp.577-579.
Cited by 151
Kaufman, B, Whisnant,JK, Mettinger KLet al The protective role of the immunomodulator AS101 against chemotherapy‐induced alopecia studies on human and animal models I ht. J. Cancer: 65,97-103 (1996)
Cited by 154